The Passion of Christ
Why is the suffering body of Christ, his face distorted in agony and his body bleeding from countless wounds, such a significant image in the collective consciousness of humanity? Millions of people, particularly in medieval times, would not have related to it as deeply as they did if something within themselves had not resonated with it, if they had not unconsciously recognized it as an outer representation of their own inner reality.
~~Eckhart Tolle~~
It is strange that Christ is being seen as a victim and suffering for "our" sins. The idea that his blood washes away our wrong-doings. I don't THINK that this is the message Christ is showing the world. In Paul Ferrini's book "BODY OF TRUTH", I read following about crucifiction ad resurrection and that seems so true. I'll share it with you:"Truly each person and situation in your life offers you the opportunity to love. Would you reject him? If you do regardless of the reason, you have rejected the Christlight in him and you. Is there anyone who is unworthy of your love? Name him and you have found the Christ. Would you place him on the cross and crucify him again? You see it is not possible. Christ cannot be crucified. Nails can be driven into his hands and feet. The body may bleed and cry out, but that body opens to another that is whole and complete. That is the truth of the resurrection. You cannot kill Christ because Christ lives in the Body of Truth and the Body of Truth is indestructable"
Wanted to share this with you. Love and Peace, sherill
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